What is Immediate Implant Protocol?

The term “Immediate Implant Protocol” refers to a single dental implant procedure that involves the placement of a post-like structure (dental implant) immediately after a tooth extraction. 

Traditionally, after a tooth extraction, a healing period of several months is required before bone grafting is done, and then there is a wait of 4-6 months before an implant can be placed.  

However, with the immediate implant protocol, the implant can be inserted immediately after tooth extraction, along with the bone graft, reducing the overall treatment time and eliminating the need for a separate healing period. This protocol is only followed by implantologists and not by general dentists. The major difference is there are no cuts and no stitches with the immediate implant protocol. This allows you to move on in life instead of waiting for over a year to get your final implant crown.

3d image of dental implants

The Immediate Implant Protocol Process 

The immediate implant protocol typically involves the following steps: 

  1. Evaluation: Dr. Jain or Dr. Gupta will evaluate the patient’s dental and medical history, perform a clinical examination, and take appropriate radiographs or scans to assess the condition of the tooth and surrounding bone. 
  2. Extraction: If a tooth is deemed non-restorable or needs to be replaced with a dental implant, it is carefully extracted, taking care to preserve the surrounding bone. 
  3. Implant placement: Once the tooth is extracted, the socket is cleaned, and the dental implant is immediately inserted into the extraction socket. The implant is typically made from titanium. 
  4. Bone grafting: In some cases, bone grafting may be required to augment the existing bone around the implant site for better stability and support. This step may or may not be necessary, depending on the patient’s bone quality and the specific case. 
  5. Temporary restoration: In immediate implant cases, a temporary tooth is placed on the implant immediately after the implant placement. This temporary restoration helps maintain aesthetics and function while the implant integrates with the bone. 
  6. Healing and osseointegration: Over a period of 3-4 months, the implant undergoes a process called osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone. This provides a stable foundation for the final permanent restoration. 
  7. Final restoration: Once osseointegration is complete, the temporary restoration is replaced with a custom milled abutment and permanent crown. The final restoration is custom-made to match the surrounding teeth in color, shape, and function. 

Who is Eligible? 

It’s important to note that not all cases are suitable for immediate implant placement. The feasibility of immediate one day implant protocol depends on various factors such as the patient’s overall health, the condition of the tooth and surrounding bone, and the dentist’s clinical judgment. 

smiling dentist holding a model of dental implants

Do You Need a Dental Implant? 

It’s always best to consult with a qualified dental professional/implantologist who specializes in SF dental implants and can assess your specific situation to determine whether the immediate implant protocol is suitable for you. 

Call Center For Implant Dentistry today for your FREE consultation! (510) 574-0496 

What Is the Dental Implant Recovery Time?

The most effective approach to replace a lost tooth is with San Fransisco implant dentistry. Still, many patients are discouraged because of the drawn-out process that their dentists describe when explaining the full treatment. Such treatment will take up to 6-8 months to complete.  

San Fransisco implant dentistry 

Dental Implant Treatment: Expectation and Recovery Time

What to Expect When Recovering from a Dental Implant

Like with any other surgery, you can feel mild discomfort whether your dentist performs your procedure in one sitting or over several. Such discomfort includes:  

  • Bleeding could last for 48 to 72 hours.  
  • Your face and mouth may bruise for two to three days.  
  • Your face and gums will be swollen for roughly two days.  

Although discomfort and suffering may persist for a few days following surgery, don’t worry! They should go away fairly quickly. 

Your body will continue to recover from surgery on the second and third days. Most people can resume their normal diets after 7 to 10 days. Patients may occasionally be instructed to follow a soft diet for up to 6 weeks after the treatment. You can contact your dentist if any post-procedure soreness, swelling, or other problem worsens.   

Why Does It Take So Long for Dental Implants to Heal?

The precise amount of time needed to finish a particular implant operation depends on several factors. For instance, the process will take much longer if a bone graft is necessary before any implant surgery can start. It would help if you had enough jawbone density to support the SF dental implant to have a successful implant.  

How Long Will It Take if You Undergo Bone Grafting?    

The bone structure under your missing tooth may erode if you have advanced gum disease or put off getting a replacement tooth for a long time. Before the dental implant treatment, you will need a bone graft to rebuild the strength and density of your jawbone.   

With a bone graft, your dentist can repair the structure of your jawbone using your bone or a bone that has undergone processing. It will take longer to finish your implant if you need a bone graft because the implant surgery must wait until your body has recovered entirely, typically taking 3–4 months.  

Tips on How to Handle This Treatment   

It’s crucial to adhere to your dentist’s post-surgery care instructions to hasten your recovery and reduce pain as you heal. The following advice will aid in your post-dental implant recovery:  

  • Rest and refrain from heavy activities for the first 24 hours. Repeatedly apply ice to your jaw for 30 minutes, then remove it for 20 minutes.  
  • Gently rinse your mouth with salt water after 24 hours, using 8 ounces of warm water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  
  • Consume room temperature, soft meals and steer clear of foods that are too hot, cold, chewy, or spicy.  
  • Alcohol, fizzy drinks, and straw use should be avoided. Additionally, refrain from smoking for a few days following surgery.  
  • Keep an eye out for infection symptoms, including swelling that lasts longer than a few days or a fever. If you observe these symptoms, contact your doctor.  
  • To heal and prevent plaque or infection from accumulating around the gums, it is crucial to maintain dental hygiene and at-home care.  

San Fransisco implant dentistry 

Get Recovery Advice When You Undergo San Fransisco Implant Dentistry   

Even though the implant procedure requires a lot of time, the result is a restoration that functions and feels like a natural tooth. Make an appointment for your consultation with the Center for Implant Dentistry right away if you need to repair a missing tooth. 

How Long Will a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Did your general dentist suggest that you visit a center for dental implants? Before deciding whether dental implants are the best option for you, there are several things to take into account and you’ve probably heard that treatment for implants takes time. Let’s go through every stage so you can get a better understanding of how it works.

samples of implants from a center for dental implants

Dental Implant Treatment Process

Assessment and Preparation

Your dentist will assess the existing teeth and bone quality at the location of the dental implants using a CT scan. Phase 1 will take three to six months if no bone grafting is required, and Phase 2 can begin immediately. In most cases, bone grafting is required if a tooth has been lost for a long time.

Bone is lost at a pace twice as fast as usual during the first year after a tooth is lost. Due to this, early artificial root insertion is essential for lowering dental implant costs and shortening the duration of the dental implant process.

Artificial Root Installation

The second phase involves implanting the artificial root in the bone and letting it recover. The treatment lasts one to two hours, and recovery takes three to six months. The titanium alloy implant (the same substance used in joint replacements) will begin to repair around and integrate with the surrounding bone tissue during this period. Moreover, remember that no load-bearing medical implant heals or recovers as quickly as titanium alloy.

3D illustration from center for dental implants

Positioning of the Crown

The prosthetic root previously implanted into your jaw is covered with a false tooth or crown in the third phase. Your new tooth or teeth are constructed using an impression of your teeth to ensure that they are the ideal size, shape, and color. Typically, this phase requires two visits spaced approximately two weeks apart.

Crown Fitting & Abutment

The less intrusive method of attaching the abutment and crown to the implant is the final phase, which comes after your implant has recovered. Between the permanent crown and implant is a little cushion-like shock absorber known as the abutment. This stage frequently entails exposing the gums to properly fit the abutment and crown above the implant. Your new artificial crown can be attached once the abutment is firmly fixed, and the dental implant procedure will then be finished.

Post-Operative Recovery

Some patients may feel swelling, bruising, or pain right after surgery. This may vary depending on the amount of work required by your dentist to install the implant, particularly if a tooth had to be extracted. It’s crucial to allow enough time between your implant procedure and the crown installation. The period depends on how quickly your bone and gums heal. Usually, this healing process takes three months.

patient is in the center for dental implants

Visit a Center for Dental Implants!

In conclusion, you should anticipate that a dental implant treatment will take several months. However, the reward here is that you get a permanent tooth replacement. Talking with your dentist is the best way to determine how long the procedure will take.

People choose sf dental implants for a variety of reasons. Whatever the case, speak with our skilled dentist, who will complete the examination. They’ll point you on the right path and provide you with appropriate advice. Make an appointment with us if you have any inquiries at all for further details.