What distinguishes All-on-4 Dental Implants from dentures?
All-On-Four Dental Implants are a fixed replacement option for a full complement of teeth that appear and feel natural as compared to dentures, which means:
- They are fixed artificial teeth with a natural appearance and feel.
- You can bite more forcefully since they are sturdy, enabling you to resume eating all your favorite foods.
- They don’t press on your gums as dentures do; therefore, there is no longer any discomfort.
- They free you from the fear of slipping, allowing you to taste and enjoy your meal.
- The implants’ presence in the jaw stimulates the bone, stopping it from further deteriorating.
- No more gag reflexes.
- No more removal and cleaning at night.
- No more sticky, messy adhesives!
How can I find out whether All-on-4 is suitable for me?
To correctly determine which treatment option or options will be best for you, we use cutting-edge 3D imaging technology. We assess the quality, volume, and amount of your bone using a 3D scan of your jaw. Almost 95% of patients, whether they have teeth or not, qualify for the All-on-4 surgery. We can do virtual surgery before you are in the chair, so you can preview the results before the procedure and know that every pre-planned step will be carried out with the highest precision.
Utilize four implants consistently?
Depending on the oral condition, we suggest 4 implants be placed in appropriate sites to help replace the complete set of teeth in a jaw. Rarely you may need one or two extra implants to aid in support. We will perform the appropriate operation for your particular needs to provide you with the most durable, quality teeth.
Why doesn’t every dentist use the All-on-4 Procedure?
Being relatively new, not many dentists feel confident executing the All-on-4 approach. The Advanced Periodontics team has carried out the All-on-4 operation since it was made accessible. There are situations when there is an excellent reason to choose other, more conventional therapies. All-on-4 is a preferable treatment choice in some circumstances. When you visit for a consultation, we assess your health and provide a personalized diagnosis to determine your best course of action.
What is the duration of an All-on-4 Procedure?
Even if you require extractions, your implants and replacement teeth will be inserted immediately after your extraction with prior consultation and diagnostic tests (such as a CT scan). With All-on-4, you may walk out of our clinic with a stunning set of fixed, functioning teeth on the same day you enter with poor (or no) teeth.
Does getting All-on-4 dental implants need bone grafts?
All-on-4 Dental implants are oriented to enhance their contact with the jaw bone to the greatest extent. As a result, fewer implants can support a complete set of teeth. This design idea also does away with bone grafting treatments.