Wisdom teeth try to erupt into the mouth between 17 and 21. If they are Malpositioned or embedded in the jaw bone, we may propose extraction at that time or even before they reach the age of 17. Common reasons which may require extraction of wisdom teeth are:
- They are partially or completely embedded inside the bone and impacted.
- Infectious, swollen, cystic, or painful
- Detonate at an inopportune moment
Many people, unfortunately, avoid having their wisdom teeth removed. However, keep in mind that the roots of your wisdom teeth become longer and tighten in the jaw as you get older. This makes the extraction more complex, and the healing process may take longer. As a result, it is generally suggested that wisdom teeth be extracted before 25.
- Keep your head raised during the first three days.
When you lie flat, blood vessel tone and blood volume near the wound rise, causing it to throb. As a result, sleep with your head raised to prevent swelling and speed recovery.
- Place an ice pack against your cheeks.
Applying an ice pack on your cheeks for the first 36 hours following surgery (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) will help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
- Avoid Dry Sockets
When the blood clot that forms on the extraction site is released, it causes a dry socket. This occurs due to dislodgement of the clot by various reasons like improper oral hygiene, vigorous spitting or coughing, smoking. A dry socket can be painful and annoying, and this usually occurs in the first 48 hours of extraction.
Your mouth is held wide open for a lengthy period during the process of wisdom tooth extraction, which may result in a condition known as transient trismus or lockjaw, which causes strained or aching muscles and myofascial pain. After surgery, the masseter, one of the muscles that help you chew, is prone to pain. The stress in your jaw will be relieved by massaging this muscle, allowing you to recuperate faster.
- Inflammation should be reduced.
The key to controlling discomfort at the extraction site is to avoid inflammation. Because inflammation may worsen beyond 48 hours, make sure you take the anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your doctor.
Is it necessary to extract wisdom teeth?
If your wisdom teeth aren’t bothering you, they don’t need to be extracted. They must be removed if they are affecting or causing crowding. If it is not removed, the wisdom tooth will become impacted. Because there isn’t enough room in your mouth for it to erupt correctly, it will come out at a wrong angle, perhaps injuring the tooth next to it.
Your dentist may urge you to get your third molar removed as soon as possible since the bones in your mouth become more brutal as you get older, making it more difficult to remove. Delaying treatment can result in significant operations and excessive bleeding, as well as a bit of loss of jaw movement.
Symptoms that you should get your wisdom teeth removed
- Pain behind the molars worsens with time; redness, swelling, and tenderness can lead to infection.
- Poor breath and a bad taste can be observed due to wisdom teeth.
- Jaw stiffness and pain
Extraction of wisdom teeth costs
The tooth’s location determines the cost of wisdom teeth extraction, the degree of impaction, the need for anesthetic, sutures, and other factors. Always discuss these considerations with your dentist, as they may impact the procedure’s cost.