Apart from spending time with friends and family, the best thing about the holidays is all of the delicious food we get to consume. It is possible that these substantial, scrumptious meals could affect the way our clothes fit and that our all on four dental implants dental clinic near me health will suffer as a result. We’ve developed a list of essential dental principles that you should keep in mind as you prepare to celebrate with family and friends this Thanksgiving.
Snacking with Intention
It will be difficult to resist the temptation to munch throughout the day with trays of chocolates and sauces and much more laid out. Even if it’s your favourite Thanksgiving dip, you don’t have to miss out on all of the munchings completely. Make sure to pay attention to what you’re eating and how that might affect your teeth. When it comes to nutrients, nuts are a fantastic source, but if you’re not cautious, they may cause a tooth to break.
Keep an eye on what you consume.
It’s safe to say that one couple of glasses of wine isn’t going to do too much damage to your teeth. The issue stems from consuming many alcoholic beverages and sugary beverages throughout the day, which results in sugar being on your teeth for an extended period. There’s no need to refrain from enjoying your favourite drinks.
When You Can, Floss Your Teeth
When considering where on a day when you’re supposed to be enjoying spending time with family and friends, flossing or simply cleaning your teeth at various intervals throughout the day may seem weird, so be sure to drink lots of water! The sugar-free gum recommended may be chewed in-between snacks and meals. It will not only assist in the removal of food particles from between your teeth but will also provide you with the minty fresh breath that you’ll need while engaging in meaningful talks with your loved ones as well.
Vegetables should be plentiful.
As the most excellent dentists in Parker, CO, we won’t advise you to stay away from the potato dish and mom’s apple pie because you have a cavity. However, we highly advise you to eat enough veggies such as carrots, black beans, and other veggies high in fibre and minerals, such as spinach. The sugar content of these veggies is also lower than that of other vegetables, which is beneficial for your teeth.
Anything complicated might be a concern for your tooth, so be cautious while chewing or biting.
Make an appointment for a Finish of Year Checkup.
If it has been more than six months since your previous exam, contact our dental office in Parker, CO, to schedule an appointment with our dentist. Not only will this enable you to take advantage of any leftover dental health coverage, but it will also provide Dentists at Center For Implant Dentistry with the chance to address any concerns that may have arisen since your previous examination and treatment plan.