What Is the Dental Implant Recovery Time?

The most effective approach to replace a lost tooth is with San Fransisco implant dentistry. Still, many patients are discouraged because of the drawn-out process that their dentists describe when explaining the full treatment. Such treatment will take up to 6-8 months to complete.  

San Fransisco implant dentistry 

Dental Implant Treatment: Expectation and Recovery Time

What to Expect When Recovering from a Dental Implant

Like with any other surgery, you can feel mild discomfort whether your dentist performs your procedure in one sitting or over several. Such discomfort includes:  

  • Bleeding could last for 48 to 72 hours.  
  • Your face and mouth may bruise for two to three days.  
  • Your face and gums will be swollen for roughly two days.  

Although discomfort and suffering may persist for a few days following surgery, don’t worry! They should go away fairly quickly. 

Your body will continue to recover from surgery on the second and third days. Most people can resume their normal diets after 7 to 10 days. Patients may occasionally be instructed to follow a soft diet for up to 6 weeks after the treatment. You can contact your dentist if any post-procedure soreness, swelling, or other problem worsens.   

Why Does It Take So Long for Dental Implants to Heal?

The precise amount of time needed to finish a particular implant operation depends on several factors. For instance, the process will take much longer if a bone graft is necessary before any implant surgery can start. It would help if you had enough jawbone density to support the SF dental implant to have a successful implant.  

How Long Will It Take if You Undergo Bone Grafting?    

The bone structure under your missing tooth may erode if you have advanced gum disease or put off getting a replacement tooth for a long time. Before the dental implant treatment, you will need a bone graft to rebuild the strength and density of your jawbone.   

With a bone graft, your dentist can repair the structure of your jawbone using your bone or a bone that has undergone processing. It will take longer to finish your implant if you need a bone graft because the implant surgery must wait until your body has recovered entirely, typically taking 3–4 months.  

Tips on How to Handle This Treatment   

It’s crucial to adhere to your dentist’s post-surgery care instructions to hasten your recovery and reduce pain as you heal. The following advice will aid in your post-dental implant recovery:  

  • Rest and refrain from heavy activities for the first 24 hours. Repeatedly apply ice to your jaw for 30 minutes, then remove it for 20 minutes.  
  • Gently rinse your mouth with salt water after 24 hours, using 8 ounces of warm water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  
  • Consume room temperature, soft meals and steer clear of foods that are too hot, cold, chewy, or spicy.  
  • Alcohol, fizzy drinks, and straw use should be avoided. Additionally, refrain from smoking for a few days following surgery.  
  • Keep an eye out for infection symptoms, including swelling that lasts longer than a few days or a fever. If you observe these symptoms, contact your doctor.  
  • To heal and prevent plaque or infection from accumulating around the gums, it is crucial to maintain dental hygiene and at-home care.  

San Fransisco implant dentistry 

Get Recovery Advice When You Undergo San Fransisco Implant Dentistry   

Even though the implant procedure requires a lot of time, the result is a restoration that functions and feels like a natural tooth. Make an appointment for your consultation with the Center for Implant Dentistry right away if you need to repair a missing tooth. 

What Is a One-Day Implant?

Do you experience excruciating agony from a bad tooth? Alternatively, you just lost a tooth and are now sporting a less-than-ideal smile. You’re in luck! The one-day dental implant has gained a lot of traction in the orthodontic community. Traditional implants can take months to complete. However, the one-day implant could fix your smile in just a day.   

How does a one-day implant function, though? Is the treatment safe? We’ll go over every detail of a one-day dental implant, commonly known as a same-day dental implant, with you.    

One Day Implant 

Basics of Same-Day Dental Implants

What Is It?

Same-day dental implants are the most practical method of obtaining a stunning new smile. You can complete the entire process in a single visit rather than waiting weeks or months at your dentist’s office for new teeth.  

How Is It Done?

Well, there is a drawn-out procedure for standard implants. The problematic tooth must first be extracted. Then the socket needs to heal for three to four months. Your dentist would then install the implant after another waiting period of three to six months. The crown is then inserted into the implant. This process will take between 5 and 10 months to complete.   

However, the natural process is much speedier with same-day implants. You’ll need to visit your doctor three times in total. Once for a consultation, once for the procedure, and lastly, for the checkup. The best thing about this type of dental implant is that the actual implantation procedure will be finished in a single visit. That eliminates the need for lengthy healing times.    

Cons of Same-Day Dental Implants

At the Center for Implant Dentistry, we always make it a point to inform our patients about the pros and cons of the treatment. Let’s start with the cons.  

Same-day dental implant procedures cannot skip over the bone-to-implant integration process. Because the body needs time to develop new bone cells that firmly retain the implants, this must still occur and cannot be accelerated. Compliance from the patient is essential to prevent dental implant movement during the three-to-six-month healing process.   

Moreover, patients frequently need to follow a softer diet at this time, staying away from extremely tough or crunchy items like carrots or almonds. The implants may move if a softer diet is not followed, harming osseointegration and raising the possibility of treatment failure.   

Pros of Same-Day Dental Implants    

If the procedure is effective, patients will experience high patient satisfaction since they can get their new teeth and have their implant surgery on the same day. Same-day dental implants eliminate the need for patients to wear an unpleasant partial or full denture while their implants recover.   

People who hate losing their teeth for any period find the treatment very enticing. During the healing period, patients can eat and converse comfortably with little disruption to daily life. The procedures for same-day dental implants have undergone extensive testing and will not jeopardize the treatment’s long-term success.  

One Day Implant 

Learn More About the One-Day Implant!

At the Center for Implant Dentistry, we take pride in providing our patients with exceptional and lasting dental treatments. Please remember that our knowledgeable technical team will help you if you want to discuss treatment in more depth. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with us! 

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety, or dental fear, is estimated to affect approximately 36% of the population, with a further 12% suffering from extreme dental fear [1]. For many people, dental anxiety is disturbing but not disabling. Some are so terrorized at the thought of going to the dentist that they avoid the experience altogether–until the reality of an aching tooth or infection makes a visit unavoidable. 

Patients that have had bad experiences at the dentist, from a harsh doctor to embarrassment of their neglected teeth, may avoid the dentist making their existing problems even worse. 

Strategies to combat anxiety and have been reported to ease the dread of the dental office include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, imagery, and challenging irrational thoughts.

We’ve collected some data and resources from experts and patients that have anxiety to encourage you if all of this sounds familiar. 

Harvard Health Publishing reached out to its readers to see what coping mechanisms work for them: 

“I listen with a headset to laugh-aloud funny books or podcasts when I am in the waiting room and in the dental chair. I try not to get to the appointment too early, as sitting in the waiting room can increase my anxiety. And while waiting, I practice relaxation breathing.” — Suzanne 

“I bring my iPod and play nice soothing music, or a book on MP3.” — Heather 

Use these 4 methods to combat your anxiety:


1. Speak up 

Anyone with anxiety knows sharing your feelings makes a world of difference. If you’re tense or anxious, do yourself a favor and get your concerns off your chest. Your dentist and dental team are better able to treat you if they know your needs. 

  • Tell your dentist about your anxiety. When you book your appointment, tell the receptionist you’re nervous about dental visits. Remind the dentist and dental staff about your anxiety when you arrive. Share any bad experiences you may have had in the past, and ask for suggestions on coping strategies. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Sometimes knowing what is going to happen alleviates any fears of the unknown. 
  • Agree on a signal. Let your dentist know by raising your hand if you need to take a break during an exam. 
  • If you experience pain even with a local anesthetic, tell your dentist. Some patients get embarrassed about their pain tolerance or don’t want to interrupt a dentist during a procedure. Talk with your dentist about pain before it starts so your dentist knows how to communicate with you and make it more comfortable. 

2. Distract yourself 

Taking your mind off the exam may seem impossible when you’re nervous, but there are some things that can help distract your thoughts:

  • Wear headphones. If the sound of the drill bothers you, bring headphones so you can listen to your favorite music or audiobook. Some dental offices even have televisions or show DVDs. 
  • Occupy your hands by squeezing a stress ball or playing with a small handheld object, like a fidget spinner. 
  • Imagine your happy place and visualize yourself at a relaxing beach or garden. 

3. Use mindfulness techniques 

Relaxation starts in the mind. Try deep breathing exercises to help relax tension in your muscles. 

  • Count your breaths. Inhale slowly and then exhale for the same number of counts. Do this five times while you’re waiting for your appointment, or during breaks while you’re sitting in the dental chair. 
  • Do a body scan. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles, one body part at a time. Start with your head and work your way down to your toes. For example, you can focus on releasing tension starting in your forehead, then your cheeks, your neck and down the rest of your body. 

4. There are several ways that your dentist can help reduce your anxiety with medications through different levels of sedation. 

Your dentist may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs, such as diazepam (Valium), that you can take one hour before a scheduled dental visit. Your dentist may also recommend conscious sedation. You will still have control over your bodily functions, and this medication is applied only during the procedure. Lastly, general anesthesia, which puts you into a deep sleep, may be recommended for more invasive surgeries of the jaw, or for those with special needs or severe anxiety that prevents routine care from being possible. Some of these options may not be advised depending on your medical health, so be sure to tell your dentist about your health conditions and medications. 

Ultimately, managing your dental anxiety will involve a combination of the above options. Talk with your dentist and explain exactly what makes you nervous about the visit. Your dentist will do a careful review of your medical history in order to make safe recommendations while considering your overall health. And lastly, visit your dentist regularly even if you are not in dental pain. This is the best way to prevent painful experiences and more complex and costly procedures!